What is the Modular?

1. It is a curriculum consisting of subjects or autonomous and independent modules that complement each other. 2. It is a mode of study where students can choose the number of annual courses you want to pursue. 3. It is a system that allows students to choose their own pace of study. 4. It is an arrangement that allows the students access to different degrees by completing different learning stages.

Origins and History of Program

The origin of the Modular Program dates back to 1998 in establishing the University Specialist Course in Educational Communication and New Master's Degree in Information Technology and Communication. At that time was one of the pioneering experiments in the UNED in the field of virtual learning paradigm using a reflective nature, critical and technical. Holistic paradigm that still distinguishes this project from the majority that are offered on this subject both in Spain and abroad.

Modular Program Objectives

The main objectives are: 1. Understand and analyze the process of media convergence in the knowledge society. 2. Produce and manage digital platforms. 3. Develop models for design and production according to the rules of accessibility. 4. Develop collaborative projects in the network 5. To learn how to articulate speeches, stories and narratives in digital media. 6. To analyze the different elements, resources and technologies that make up a multimedia production.

What benefits can you offer?

1. Ability to enroll in full or in modules according to their means of independent study. 2. Studying paced counting up to five years to complete the studies of experts, specialists and Master. 3. Implicit leading to the Master's two degrees of Diploma and University Specialist certification. 4. Obtain certification for each module completed with the number of credits approved.

Degrees you can get

Modular Program in Digital Technologies and the Knowledge Society can lead to obtaining evidence of: * Diploma in Media Analysis: This degree offers the opportunity to be Expert in Media Analysis. This course is conducted entirely online and students will produce a specific material related to Media. For obtaining the title of University Expert in Media Analysis must study the following modules: Convergence of Media (10 credits), Media Studies (5 credits), Digital Narrative (5 credits), Information Audiovisual (5 credits)

Methodology and resources

The methodology is the characteristic of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia in Spain), so you can monitor the curriculum regardless of place of residence. Additionally, students may have a direct personal assistance and regular teachers through various technology resources: virtual platform from which to develop virtual classes, video conferencing, telephone tutorials and virtual seminars through the network. The methodology developed allows the students know from day theoretical and practical principles of e-learning and digital technologies of information and communication.

Students and career

They have obtained Master's degree more than 150 students. Some of them have won prizes in other entities for their final research projects. A highly prominent percentage has managed to boost employment status or find their first job after attending the Masters.

Faculty and Covenants

This program was chosen by the OAS (Organization of American States) as a training program for teachers and researchers in Latin America. It has signed agreements with the Edith Cowan University in Australia, Federal University of Bahia, National University of Luján (Argentina), Royal Board on Disability, Fundación ONCE, CCOO, etc.. Also, ATEI (Television Association Educativa Iberoamericana) publicized the activities of the Modular Program for New Technologies of Information and Communication.

Rate Information and Scholarships

Here you will find all information about the rates of the different degrees offered in the Digital Modular Technologies and the Knowledge Society as well as find information about available scholarships. FEES: * Diploma Course ANALYSIS IN MEDIA (Full Course: 25 credits): For the complete course -> Tuition for the complete course: 1250 € / Price of materials for the complete course: 500 €

Credits and Enrollment

The Diploma course consists of twenty credits. Can be done in a single course or, at most, extend to five academic courses -> Number of credits: 25 (250 hours). University Specialist The course consists of thirty-five credits. Can be done in a single course or, at most, extend to five academic courses -> Number of credits: 35 (350 hours). The modules run from mid February to mid-December of each academic year. The Masters consists of ninety credits. Can be done in only two courses or, at most, extend to five academic years.
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Students and career

Alumnado y salidas profesionales

They have obtained Master's degree more than 150 students.
Some of them have won prizes in other entities for their final research projects.
Some recent works presented as a Master Thesis-paragraph web site, have been: (more ...)

Faculty and Covenants

Profesorado y Convenios internacionales
This program was chosen by the OAS (Organization of American States) as a training program for teachers and researchers in Latin America. It has signed agreements with the Edith Cowan University in Australia, Federal University of Bahia, National University of Luján (Argentina), Royal Board on Disability, Fundación ONCE, CCOO, etc. (More ...)

Rate Information and Scholarships

Información sobre Tasas y Becas
Here you will find all information about the rates of the different degrees offered in the Digital Modular Technologies and the Knowledge Society as well as find information about available scholarships. (More ...)

Credits and Enrollment

Créditos y Matriculación

  • The Diploma course consists of twenty credits. Can be done in a single course or, at most, extend to five academic years.
    Number of credits: 25 (250 hours) (more ...)

The Media and the Modular

Los Medios de Comunicación y el Programa Modular

Attached are some addresses of newspapers and journals that bear witness and have released some of the activities and actions developed in the field of communication, technology and education from the UNED Modular. (More ...)

Informative videos on the Program

Videos informativos sobre el Programa

The Digital Modular Technologies and the Knowledge Society has plenty of visual material that has been developed for many different purposes, for example, courses at UNED in Spanish Television. Here you will find a collection of some of these audiovisual materials. (More ...)