Información sobre Tasas y Becas
Here you will find all information about the rates of the different degrees offered in the Digital Modular Technologies and the Knowledge Society as well as find information about available scholarships.


  • Diploma Course ANALYSIS IN THE MEDIA
    (Full Course: 25 credits)

    • For the complete course
      • Tuition for the complete course: 1250 €
      • Price of materials for the complete course: 500 €

  • Diploma Course on Free Software
    (Full Course: 25 credits)

    • For the complete course
      • Tuition for the complete course: 1250 €
      • Price of materials for the complete course: 500 €

    (Full Course: 35 credits)

    • For the complete course
      • Tuition for the complete course: 1750 €
      • Price of materials for the complete course: 700 €
    • These amounts may be paid at once or to enroll in two installments. The amount of these deadlines will be communicated to the student in the finalization of registration forms.

    (Master track: 90 credits)

    • Tuition for the master track: 4500 euros
    • Price of materials for the complete course: 1800 euros
    • Those who come from the specialized training course paid only € 2500 and € 1000 registration materials.
    • Those who come from the only expert course tuition paid € 3,000 and € 1,200 for materials).
    • These amounts may be paid at once or to enroll in four installments. The amount of these deadlines will be communicated to the student in the finalization of registration forms.

    • Registration fee for modules of 5 credits: 250 euros
    • Registration fee for 10 credit modules: 500 euros
    • Price of material per module of 5 credits: 100 euros
    • Price of material per module of 10 credits: 200 euros
    • Students who registered for the module system, the first year must attend a minimum of 20 credits is mandatory begin studies with the integrated Media Convergence.
    • Given the nature of these teachings and students to whom they are addressed, no provision for exemption of fees for officials from the Public Administration.


Those who enroll in non-isolated modules are eligible for aid. Be granted a limited number of scholarships, only among those who enroll in all course modules in Interactive Systems Specialist University Communications and / or Expert Course or Master's Degree in Integrated Marketing Technologies and Knowledge Society in response economic circumstances, academic and other merits of them.

To be eligible for one, must be sent at the time of the pre-enrollment:

  • Scholarship application letter (no official model)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Photocopy of payrolls, if it works.
  • Photocopy of the tax return last year or certificate from the tax agency had not submitted it.
  • Photocopy Card Application for Employment.
  • Any other document that is appropriate.

In any case, be paid the cost of materials and the first term of enrollment, proceeding subsequently to adjust the grant.

If requested reduction for large families or disability, evidenced by:

  • Photocopy of driver's extended family.
  • Disability certificate (no less than 33%).

The scholarship is incompatible with any other codes.

They are not compatible with each other several reductions.