Profesorado y Convenios internacionales
This program was chosen by the OAS (Organization of American States) as a training program for teachers and researchers in Latin America. It has signed agreements with the Edith Cowan University in Australia, Federal University of Bahia, National University of Luján (Argentina), Royal Board on Disability, Fundación ONCE, CCOO, etc..

It ATEI (Iberoamerican Educational Television Association) publicized the activities of the Modular Program for New Technologies of Information and Communication.

The international dimension Modular Program in Digital Technologies and Information Society:

This program has an international dimension not only by the agreements it has done to date, but also the origin of the students and faculty. In the case of students have participated from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Brazil, Britain, France, Italy and others. In the case of teachers have participated some of the leading researchers in the field of Communications and Information Technology and Communication, including:

  • Len Masterman and Robert Ferguson of the United Kingdom,
  • Kathleen Tyner, Douglas Morgenstern and Judah Schwartz of USA,
  • Guillermo Orozco and Gerardo Ojeda of Mexico,
  • Ismar de Oliveira, Nelson Becerra Elicio Pretto and Brazil,
  • Jorge La Ferla and Alicia Villagra de Argentina,
  • Robyn Quin, McMahon and Anthony Barry Watson of Australia,
  • Critics Coast of South Africa, etc.
    • Program Director:
      Dr. Roberto Aparici
    • Co-director:
      Osuna Sara Acedo
    • Academic Secretariat:
      • Garat Francisco Luque
      • Angel Barbas Coslada
    • Technical Department:
      • Garat Francisco Luque
      • Angel L. Rubio Moraga
    • Department: Educational, School Organization and Special Didactics, UNED.
    • Francisco Alvarez Alvarez (Department: Cultural and Social Anthropology, UNED)
    • Roberto Aparici (Department: Didactics, School Organization and Special Didactics, UNED)
    • Javier Callejo Gallego (Department: Sociology I, UNED)
    • Luis Deltell (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
    • Carlos Egea (specialist in accessible design)
    • Sara Lee (
    • Carlos Martinez (
    • Esther Fonseca (Multimedia Specialist)
    • Osuna Sara Acedo (Department: Teaching, School Organization and Special Didactics, (UNED),
    • Miguel Santamaria Lancho (Assistant Director of the Institute of Distance Education),
    • Aquilina Fueyo Gutierrez (Universidad de Oviedo),
    • Miguel Romo (Secondary Education Institute Carlos III),
    • Carlos Buesa Buson (Consultant in New Technologies)
    • Roberto Feltrero (Faculty of Philosophy, UNED)
    • Toni Cuadrado (Specialist in Communication and Education),
    • Eulalia Rius (Media Specialist)
    • Carlos Rodriguez (Universidad de Oviedo)
    • Carnero Sanchez Africa (Department: Didactics, School Organization and Special Didactics, (UNED),
    • Angel L. Rubio Moraga (Expert on educational platforms, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
    • Jose Maria Valera (Multimedia Programming Analyst)
    • David Teira (Faculty of Philosophy, UNED)
    • Alicia Tedesco (University of La Plata, Argentina),
    • Emilio Alvarez (Multimedia Specialist Program)
    • Maria Sagrario Lopez Herrero (Spokesperson for "")
    • Joan Ferres (Pompeu Fabra)
    • Nelson de Luca Pretto (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil),
    • Marco Silva (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estacio de Sa, Rio de Janeiro)
    • Alicia Villagra de Burgos (University of Tucuman),
    • Pontes Elicio Becerra (University of Brasilia).