Diploma in Media Analysis
- This degree offers the opportunity to be Expert in Media Analysis.
- This course is conducted entirely online and students will produce a specific material related to Media. (More ...)
Mediators: Sara Osuna
The revolution of new technologies, specifically the Internet, has led to the convergence of different media which previously operated independently. The higher bandwidth, faster processors and systems for digital signal compression have enabled more efficient network that brings together all necessary resources for media convergence. (More ...)
Mediators: Miguel Romo and Toni Cuadrado
The media have become an essential element for the understanding of contemporary society. Since its establishment, for over a century, have been under study for sociologists, psychologists, educators, philosophers and anthropologists. His influence in modern societies is such that they have become known as the "fourth estate". (More ...)
Mediator: Roberto Sanchez Aparici and Africa
Throughout history, humans have felt the need to tell stories and represent reality. The scientific and technological advances have modified the various forms of narrative and representation. In the last years of the twentieth century, the digitization of audiovisual production has created new languages and new ways to create and tell stories that go beyond mere conversion from analogue to digital. (More ...)
Mediator: Luis Deltell
In today's society, image is omnipresent, everyday. The development of digital image technology allows us access to a facet, the iconic creation, until now reserved for those who master the techniques of audiovisual media. However, what the technology can not provide is the human ability to compose, to compensate, adjust the tension, to modulate the pace of an image, choose between harmony or contrast, to express ourselves, ultimately, through image that we perceive and understand the process in its entirety. (more ...)