Contents of Section 'Diploma in Software Libre

Diploma in Software Libre

Experto Universitario en Software Libre

  • This degree offers the possibility of Diploma in Free Software.
  • This course is conducted entirely online and students will produce a specific material related to free software. (More ...)

Media Convergence

Convergencia de Medios Mediators: Sara Osuna

The revolution of new technologies, specifically the Internet, has led to the convergence of different media which previously operated independently. The higher bandwidth, faster processors and systems for digital signal compression have enabled more efficient network that brings together all necessary resources for media convergence. (More ...)

Cyberspace and Citizenship

Ciberespacio y Ciudadanía Mediators: David Teira

The concept of citizenship comes from classical antiquity, but its effects are felt this particularly since the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1789. The individual becomes part of the political community as subjects of rights.
The module addresses the challenges posed by new technologies to our political concepts and in particular to Citizenship (more ...)

Power and Control in Cyberspace

Poder y control en el Ciberespacio Mediators: Sara Lee and Carlos Martinez

The module examines theories of power and control mechanisms that operate on digital technologies in cyberspace. It addresses the theoretical and methodological tools that detect the material and ideological processes that operate on the network, helping to demystify its image as "technology neutral".
At the same time, beyond identifying these mechanisms that determine the cyberspace, pay attention to the possibilities to circumvent and reverse these processes of power and control from the base of emerging experience (more ...)

Free Software philosophy

Filosofía del Software libre Mediator: Robert Feltrero Oreja

Free software is a movement that has moved beyond the narrow realm of technology to be applied and reinterpreted in all areas of intellectual production, whether artistic, scientific or technical. The module presents a reflection on the hegemonic model of commercial software and free software as a coherent model that is an alternative justifiable and valuable in today's information society. (More ...)